49 DVD set.
1/7/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time: 2 hr
Saba Simba vs. Bart Starr
Macho Man Randy Savage Int, Ultimate Warrior Int
Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. Mark Stone
Ted Dibiase Int
Undertaker vs. Scrub
Earthquake vs. Scrub
Haku vs. Shane Douglas
Brother Love Show with Hulk Hogan
Tugboat vs. Boris Zhukov
Power and Glory vs. Kevin Green and Pat Armstrong
Big Bossman vs. Scrub
Warlord vs. Scrub
British Bulldog vs. Scrub
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Raymond Hammer
1/14/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time: 2 hr
Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. JT Smith
Sgt. Slaughter Int
Orient Express vs. Brooklyn Brawler and Sonny Blaze
Jake The Snake Roberts vs. Bob Bradley
Ted Dibiase vs. Danny Brazil
Koko B Ware vs. Black Hart
Ultimate Warrior Interview
Superfly Jimmy Snuka vs. Warlord
Nasty Boys vs. Scrubs
Texas Tornado vs. Scrub
Rick Martel vs. Scrub
Bushwhackers vs. Dennis Allen and The Gladiator
Mr. Perfect vs. Kevin Reno
1/21/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time: 1:13 hr
Saba Simba and Paul Diamond vs. Power and Glory
Jake The Snake Roberts vs. Bob Brantley
Undertaker vs. Scrub
Greg The Hammer Valentine vs. Saba Simba
Greg The Hammer Valentine vs. Playboy Buddy Rose
Dino Bravo vs. Tugboat
Orient Express vs. Terry Davis and Cliff Sheets
British Bulldog vs. Joe Turner
1/28/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time: 1:38 hr
Royal Rumble/Ultimate Warrior/Sherri/Randy Savage/Sgt. Slaughter Highlights
The Mountie vs. Scrub
Big Bossman vs. Scrub
Hart Foundation vs. Dale Wolfe and Doug Vines
Rick Martel vs. Scrub
Saba Simba vs. The Barbarian
Brother Love Show with a Blind Man
Shane Douglas vs. Paul Roma
British Bulldog vs. Scrub
Mr. Perfect vs. Terrance Blaylock
Jake The Snake Roberts vs. Scrub
Demolition vs. Mike Flowers and Pez Whatley
2/4/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time: 1:37 hr
Hart Foundation vs. Orient Express
Jack Tunney Interview
Sgt. Slaughter Int
Nasty Boys vs. Reno Riggins and Mike Williams
Virgil/Ted Dibiase Highlights, Ted Dibiase Int
Tugboat vs. Jow Turner
Hulk Hogan/Sgt Slaughter/Main Event Highlights
The Mountie vs. Scrub
Demolition vs. Pez Whatley and Mike Wallace
Tito Santana vs. Koko B Ware
Legion of Doom and British Bulldog vs. Power and Glory and Paul Roma
Mr. Perfect vs. Texas Tornado
Shane Douglas vs. Scrub
Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. Tony Burton
2/18/91 PTW (First Show with the New In-Studio Format), (G/VG), Approx Time: 2 hr
Tag Team Battle Royal- Won by the Nasty Boys.
Rowdy Roddy Piper/Virgil Interview
The Viking vs. Scrub- Wow, this guy is annoying.
Rick Martel vs. Dale Wolfe
Various Interviews
Bushwhackers Segment
Big Bossman vs. Barbarian
Shawn Michaels vs. Crush
Pick The Brain with Bobby Heenan- People in the audience ask Bobby Heenan questions so you know these are going to be entertaining segments.
Earthquake vs. Tugboat
British Bulldog vs. Warlord
Texas Tornado vs. Scrub
2/25/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time: 2 hr
Virgil vs. Haku
Jake Roberts vs. Terrence Blaylock
The Mountie In Studio Interview
The Mountie vs. Tom Landel
Hulk Hogan Int, Randy Savage Int, Ultimate Warrior Int
Greg Valentine vs. Dino Bravo
Gene Okerlund/The Bushwhackers Segment
Ted DiBiase vs. Tugboat
Legion Of Doom vs. Demolition
Pick The Brain with Bobby Heenan
Mr. Perfect vs. Pez Whatley
Vince McMahon/Bobby Heenan/Andre The Giant Segment- Wine tasting.
British Bulldog vs. Mike Wallace
Vince McMahon/Bobby Heenan/Andre The Giant Segment- Now they smash grapes. Bobby Heenan gets down and dirty at the end of the show while doing this. Give 'em what they want, Bobby!
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Dale Wolfe
3/4/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time: 1:58 hr
Vince Mahahon/Bobby Heenan Segment- Vince rips on Heenan with condom jokes and says that Heenan is like Saddam Hussein, he doesn't know when to pull out! Here in 2011 with Vince's PG movement, we have people saying things like poo poo on tv.
Greg Valentine vs. The Barbarian
Hulk Hogan Int
British Bulldog/Bobby Heenan In Studio Segment
The Warlord vs. Koko B. Ware
sPick The Brain with Bobby Heenan
Randy Savage Int, Ultimate Warrior Int, Rick Martel Int, Jake Roberts Int
Rockers vs. Brooklyn Brawler and Jerry Oates
The Bushwhackers vs. Max Nelson and Jesse Knight
Paul Bearer In-Studio Segment- Bearer embalms a mannequin.
Mr. Perfect vs. Superfly Jimmy Snuka
Ted DiBiase vs. Sonny Blaze
Gene Okerlund/Legion Of Doom Int
Rick Martel Promo
Jake The Snake Roberts vs. Alan Martin
Big Bossman/Bobby Heenan In Studio Segment
The Mountie vs. Buddy Burkes
3/11/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time: 1:39 hr
Demolition vs. Tito Santana/Koko B. Ware
Hart Foundation vs. Pete Sanchez and John Martin
Randy Savage In Studio Segment
Randy Savage Highlights
Randy Savage/Sensational Sherri In Studio Segment
Mr. Perfect vs. Pat Armstrong
The Viking vs. Brian Costello
Gene Okerlund/Big Bossman Int
British Bulldog vs. Haku
Jake The Snake Roberts In Studio Segment
Rick Martel vs. Frankie Lancaster
Sgt. Slaughter/General Adnan Interview/Segment- The segment where they burn Hulk's shirt.
Hulk Hogan Int, Randy Savage Int, Ultimate Warrior Int
The Undertaker vs. Jim Powers
The "Queen Of England"/Vince McMahon/Bobby Heenan In Studio Segment
3/17/91 PTW, March to Wrestlemania AKA Stars and Stripes Forever, (VG), Approx Time: 1:34 hr
Mr. Perfect vs. Shawn Michaels- The spelling was Sean Michaels. Good match as the crowd was hot for it. Big Boss Man runs in to attack Mr. Perfect when Shawn was about to lose the match.
Randy Savage/Ultimate Warrior Highlights
Contract Signing: Randy Savage and Ultimate Warrior
British Bulldog vs. Scrub
Jake Roberts Int
Koko B Ware vs. Rick Martel
Rowdy Roddy Piper/Ted Dibiase Interview
Greg Valentine vs. Scrub
Sgt. Slaughter Int, Hulk Hogan Int
General Adnan vs. Hulk Hogan
Sgt. Slaugter/General Adnan Int
Tag Team Battle Royal- Won by The Nasty Boys.
Nasty Boys Int
Brian Knobbs vs. Bret Hart
Hulk Hogan Interview- Hogan talks about the US troops coming home from way and mentions Saddam Hussein. 12 years later and history seems to repeat itself.
Undertaker vs. Tugboat
Sgt. Slaughter/Hulk Hogan Highlights
3/26/91 PTW in Las Vegas, NV, Post Wrestlemania 7 show, (G/VG), 1:59 hr
Wrestlemania VII Highlights
Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. Rick Saxson
Ted Dibiase Int
Big Bossman vs. Hercules
Legion of Doom vs. Bob Bradley and Mike Casey
Berzerker vs. John Allen
Shane Douglas vs. Paul Roma
Koko B Ware/Bobby Heenan/Vince McMahon Segment
Dino Bravo and Earthquake vs. Hart Foundation
Randy Savage/Elizabeth Interview
Colonal Mustafa vs. Billy Burke
Randy Savage/Miss Elizabeth Segment
Shawn Michaels vs. Kato
Ted Dibiase Segment
Koko B Ware vs. Black Heart
4/2/91 PTW, (G/VG), Hosted by Vince McMahon and Bobby Heenan at a local gym, Approx Time: 1:36 hr
Koko B Ware vs. The Mountie
Ricky Steamboat vs. Brooklyn Brawler
Dino Bravo vs. Greg Valentine
Tugboat Int, Nasty Boys Int/Segment
Ted Dibiase vs. Scrub
IRS Promo
Bushwhackers vs. Scrubs
Big Boss Man vs. Scrub
Hulk Hogan Interview
Marty Jannetty vs. Tanaka
Hulk Hogan Int
Mr. Perfect vs. Scrub
Bobby Heenan/Andre the Giant Int
Barbarian vs. Scrub
Paul Bearer/Undertaker Int
Texas Tornado vs. Scrub
Vince McMahon/Bobby Heenan Segment- Heenan tries to show his guns against one of Vince's bodybuilders. This segment was shown in Bobby Heenan's 2010 WWE home video release.
4/9/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time: 1:37 hr
Superfly Jimmy Snuka vs. Scrub
British Bulldog vs. Jeff Sword
Jake The Snake Roberts vs. John Allen
Warlord In Studio Interview
Ricky The Dragon Steamboat vs. Keith Steinborn
Funeral Parlor with The Undertaker
Rowdy Roddy Piper In Studio Interview
Crush vs. Bushwhacker Butch
Rowdy Roddy Piper/Bobby Heenan In Studio Interview- Piper plays the bagpips and Heenan attempts to play the tuba.
Rick Martel vs. Big Boss Man
IRS Promo
Sensational Sherri In Studio Segment
Mr. Perfect vs. Dale Wolfe
Virgil vs. The Brooklyn Brawler
Power and Glory vs. Kevin Greeno and Mike Samples
Rowdy Roddy Piper/Bobby Heenan/Vince McMahon In Studio Interview- Heenan wears a kilt.
4/16/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time: 1:38 hr
Tugboat vs. Brooklyn Brawler
Bushwhackers In Studio Interview/Segment
Col. Mustafa vs. Jim Powers
Bushwhackers In Studio Interview/Segment
IRS In Studio Interview
Superfly Jimmy Snuka vs. Randy Sharkey
IRS In Studio Interview
Koko B Ware vs. Louie Spicolli
Funeral Parlor With The Ultimate Warrior- The Undertaker sneak attacks the Ultimate Warrior and then shuts him in a casket.
Legion Of Doom vs. Haku and The Barbarian
Miss Elizabeth In Studio Interview/Highlights
Texas Tornado vs. Barry O
The Mountie vs. Larry Ludden
Bushwhackers/IRS In Studio Int
Greg The Hammer Valentine vs. The Genius
Bobby Heenan/Randy Savage In Studio Segment
4/23/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time: 1:53 hr
Haku vs. Texas Tornado
Undertaker/Ultimate Warrior Highlights
The Berzerker vs. Jim Colhep
Tugboat In Studio Interview
Ricky The Dragon Steamboat vs. Louie Spicolli
Mr. Perfect In Studio Interview/Highlights
Orient Express vs. Jim Evans/Dale Wolfe
Mr. Perfect In Studio Interview
British Bulldog vs. The Brooklyn Brawler
Mr. Perfect In Studio Interview
The Rockers vs. Power And Glory
Brutus The Barber Beefcake In Studio Segment
Greg The Hammer Valentine vs. Barry O
Brutus The Barber Beefcake In Studio Segment
The Barbarian vs. Rob Allen
Undertaker vs. Stephen Deleon
IRS Promo
Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. The Genius
Brutus The Barber Beefcake In Studio Segment
4/30/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time: 2 hr
Tito Santana vs. The Mountie
Bret Hart In Studio Interview
The Barbarian vs. Buck Zhumhoff
Bret Hart In Studio Interview
The Nasty Boys In Studio Interview
Virgil vs. Tom Stone
Jake The Snake Roberts vs. Earthquake- Earthquake does his finisher to Roberts' snake by sitting on him. That's a heat generating move right there.
Bret Hart/Nasty Boys Segment
Haku vs. Jim Evans
Ultimate Warrior vs. Sgt. Slaughter- From the Main Event.
Ultimate Warrior In Studio Interview
Big Boss Man vs. Rick Rice
Ted Dibiase Int
The Berzerker vs. Jim Powers
Texas Tornado vs. Al Burke
Bret Hart/Nasty Boys In Studio Segment
5/7/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time: 1:53 hr
Sgt. Slaughter In Studio Interview
Virgil In Studio Interview/Highlights
Bret Hart vs. Ted DiBiase- From The Main Event.
Earthquake/Jake The Snake Roberts Highlights
Bushwhackers vs. Brian Costello and Doug Wallen
Battle Royal- From The Main Event when Mr. Perfect won.
Legion Of Doom In Studio Interview
British Bulldog vs. Haku
Legion Of Doom In Studio Interview
Funeral Parlor With Hulk Hogan
The Mountie vs. Red Tyler
Tag Team Title Match: The Rockers vs. Nasty Boys
Tugboat vs. Black Demon
Legion Of Doom In Studio Interview
5/14/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time: 1:37 hr
IC Title Match: Greg The Hammer Valentine vs. Mr. Perfect
Slick/Andre The Giant Segment
Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. Tom Bennett
Koko B Ware In Studio Segment
Nasty Boys vs. Tom Stone and Doug Waylon
Texas Tornado In Studio Interview
Rowdy Roddy Piper vs. Rick Martel
Texas Tornado In Studio Interview
The Undertaker vs. George Anderson
Earthquake In Studio Interview
Jake The Snake Roberts vs. Smash
Big Boss Man vs. Dan Johnson
The Rockers and Virgil vs. The Orient Express and Mr. Fuji
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Kevin Kruger
Koko B Ware/Bobby Heenan In Studio Segment- These two have a singing contest.
Bret Hart vs. Warren Bianchi
Earthquake In Studio Segment
5/21/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time: 1:37 hr
Ultimate Warrior vs. Smash
The Mountie/Nasty Boys/Big Boss Man Highlights
Greg Valentine In Studio Interview
Berzerker vs. Randy Fox
British Bulldog vs. Frankie DeFalco
The Barbarian In Studio Interview/Segment
IRS vs. Red Tyler
Texas Tornado vs. Rick Rice
Paul Bearer/Undertaker Int
The Bushwhackers and Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. The Nasty Boys and Earthquake
Hulk Hogan In Studio Interview
Ricky The Dragon Steamboat vs. Brian Costello
Hulk Hogan/Bobby Heenan In Studio Interview/Segment- Hogan chases Heenan around in the studio with his motorcycle.
Bret Hart vs. Brooklyn Brawler
Jake The Snake Roberts vs. Tom Bennett
Power and Glory vs. Kevin Kruger and Dave Sigfritts
Hulk Hogan/Bobby Heenan In Studio Interview- Hogan gives Heenan a little tiny bike and makes his try to ride it. Heenan, of course always the team player, takes one for the team and crashes and flips over, just to please the fans.
5/28/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time 1:37 hr
Bret Hart vs. Warlord
Andre the Giant/Mr. Fuji Segment
Ted Dibiase vs. Randy Fox
Power and Glory In Studio Segment- They play a dating game in the studio.
Legion of Doom vs. WT Jones and Warren Bianchi
Col. Mustafa vs. Gary Jackson
Eddie Robinson In Studio Interview
Greg the Hammer Valentine vs. Frankie DeFalco
Paul Bearer In Studio Interview
Jake the Snake Roberts vs. The Barbarian
Paul Bearer/Undertaker In Studio Interview- They shows off some caskets.
The Rockers vs. Bob Bradley and Al Burke
Ricky The Dragon Steamboat In Studio Interview
Big Boss Man vs. Tom Stone
Nasty Boys vs. Red Tyler and Buck Zumhoffe
Big Boss Man vs. Earthquake- From Supertape 4.
The Mountie vs. George Anderson
6/3/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time: 1:58 hr
Bushwhackers vs. Tom Stone and Frankie Defalco
Mr. Fuji In Studio Interview
Ricky The Dragon Steamboat vs. Dan Johnson
Warlord vs. Buck Zumhoffe
Rockers Int, Ted Dibiase/Sherri Int
Ted Dibiase/Sensational Sherri In Studio Interview
Virgil vs. Bob Bradley
Ted Dibiase/Sensational Sherri/Bobby Heenan In Studio Interview- Dibiase has one fan in the studio kiss Heenan's foot for $300. Then he has a kid hold an egg under his chin for 20 seconds for $100 but then Dibiase smashes the egg before the 20 seconds is up! The crowd was not happy about that.
Texas Tornado vs. Brooklyn Brawler
Big Boss Man In Studio Interview
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Tugboat
Earthquake vs. Scrub- After the match, Andre the Giant comes out but Earthquake attacks him.
Jim Quinn In Studio Interview
Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. Gary Wild
Supertape 4 Home Video Preview
The Undertaker vs. Jim Evans
Mr. Perfect vs. Brad Kramer
6/10/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time: 1:37 hr
British Bulldog Segment
Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. The Warlord
Andre The Giant/Earthquake Highlights, Jake The Snake Roberts Int
Jake The Snake Roberts vs. Brooklyn Brawler
Berzerker/Mr. Fuji In Studio Interview
IRS vs. Rob Allen
Superfly Jimmy Snuka vs. Bob Bradley
The Mountie/Jimmy Hart In Studio Interview
Big Boss Man vs. Al Burke
Power And Glory vs. Orient Express
Bobby Heenan/Rowdy Roddy Piper Segment
Barbershop With The Legion Of Doom
Gary Strydom In Studio Interview
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Greg The Hammer Valentine
The Rockers vs. Tom Stone and Tom Bennett
Bret Hart Int
British Bulldog/Bobby Heenan Segment
Ted DiBiase vs. Dave Sigfritts
British Bulldog/Bobby Heenan Segment
6/17/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time: 1:53 hr
Tugboat In Studio Interview
Paul Roma vs. British Bulldog
Undertaker vs. Scott Bazy
Superfly Jimmy Snuka In Studio Interview
Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. Scrub
Bobby Heenan/Rowdy Roddy Piper/"Virgilina" Segment
Ted Dibiase vs. Larry Ludin
Bobby Heenan/Rowdy Roddy Piper/"Virgilina" Segment
The Mountie vs. Bret Hart
Funeral Parlor with Mr. Perfect/Bobby Heenan/Coach
Earthquake and Nasty Boys vs. Tugboat and Bushwhackers- Tugboat turns heel and teams up with Jimmy Hart's group.
Jimmy Hart/Earthquake/Tugboat In Studio Interview- Jimmy Hart announces these two as The Natural Disasters.
Texas Tornado Int, Power And Glory Int
Jake The Snake Roberts vs. Mark Ming
Warlord vs. Larry Williams
6/24/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time: 1:37 hr
Jimmy Hart/Nasty Boys In Studio Interview
Barbarian vs. Greg The Hammer Valentine
Natural Disasters/Jimmy Hart Highlights/Int
Big Boss Man vs. Black Knight
Hacksaw Jim Duggan In Studio Interview
Animal vs. Paul Roma
Beverly Brothers vs. Bobby Jones and Terry Zeller
Ricky The Dragon Steamboat vs. Smash
Jake The Snake Roberts In Studio Interview
Barber Shop With Andre The Giant
Jake The Snake Roberts In Studio Interview
Mr. Perfect/The Coach Int
Warlord vs. Koko B Ware
Virgil vs. Louie Spicolli
British Bulldog Int, Mr. Perfect Int
Berzerker vs. Jerry Stevens
Hacksaw Jim Duggan/Bobby Heenan Segment- Duggan blows up Heenan's car.
7/1/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time: 1:54 hr
Virgil vs. Kato
Mr. Perfect In Studio Interview
The Rockers vs. Brooklyn Brawler and Jim Patterson
The Mountie vs. Bob Jones
Jake The Snake Roberts Int, Nasty Boys/Jimmy Hart Int
Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. The Intruder
The Legion Of Doom In Studio Interview
Natural Disasters vs. Bob Allen and Bill Sampson
Ted Dibiase vs. British Bulldog
Brutus The Barber Beefcake In Studio Interview
Funeral Parlor With Sgt. Slaughter
Bret Hart vs. Paul Roma
Beverly Brothers vs. Bill Gatlin and Stephan DeLeon
Gary Strydom In Studio Interview
Undertaker vs. Terry Zeller
Mr. Perfect In Studio Interview
Jake The Snake Roberts vs. Louie Spicolli
Legion of Doom/Brutus The Barber Beefcake'Bobby Heenan Segment- They gave Heenan a bad facial that leaves rashes on Heenan's face.
7/8/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time: 1:56 hr
Macho Man Randy Savage/Elizabeth Interview/Segment- The Segment when Savage proposes to Elizabeth.
Hillbilly Jim In Studio Interview- He plays a little tune on his Gee-tar. In Studio crowd stars to clap but they seem a little bit off bit, which makes it a little tough for Hillbilly Jim to keep his timing. Catchy little tune he just played.
Greg The Hammer Valentine vs. Smash
Sgt. Slaughter In Studio Interview
Koko B Ware vs. Mike Stone
Sgt. Slaughter In Studio Interview
Ted DiBiase vs. Billy Gatlin
Skinner Promo
Triangle Of Terror Int
The Barbarian vs. Bret Hart
Macho Man Randy Savage In Studio Interview
Ricky The Dragon Steamboat vs. Ed Moretti
Sgt. Slaughter and Col. Mustafa vs. The Bushwhackers
Natural Disasters Int, Virgil Int
Beverly Brothers vs. Scott Key and David Bazo
7/15/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time 1:57 hr
Berzerker vs. Greg The Hammer Valentine
Randy Savage/Elizabeth Highlights
Hulk Hogan/Ultimate Warrior Interview
Paul Roma vs. Jim Gordon
Big Boss Man vs. Louie Spicolli
Summerslam Report, Bret Hart Int
Mr. Perfect vs. Scrub
Funeral Parlor with Legion of Doom
Andre The Giant In Studio Interview
Bushwhackers vs. Nasty Boys
Shane Douglas vs. Scrub
General Adnan vs. Scrub
Roddy Piper Int, IRS Int
Texas Tornado vs. Barbarian
Ted Dibiase In Studio Interview
Warlord vs. Buddy Wayne
Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. Mike Starr
Andre The Giant/Virgil/Sherri/Ted Dibiase Segment
7/22/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time 1:40 hr
Paul Roma vs. Virgil
Nasty Boys vs. Bob Allen and Scott Carlson
IRS In Studio Interview
Sgt. Slaughter/Sid Justice Interview
Skinner Promo
Bret Hart In Studio Interview
Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. Ed Moretti
Bret Hart In Studio Interview
Summerslam Report, Ultimate Warrior/Hulk Hogan Int, Bret Hart, Virgil Int
Natural Disasters/Jimmy Hart In Studio Interview
Bushwhackers vs. Haku and Barbarian
Berzerker vs. Superfly Jimmy Snuka
Ricky The Dragon Steamboat vs. Louie Spicolli
Beverly Brothers vs. Scrubs
Texas Tornado vs. Scrub
7/29/91 PTW, (G), Approx Time: 1:36 hr
Greg The Hammer Valentine vs. The Warlord
Superfly Jimmy Snuka vs. Louie Spicolli
The Mountie/Jimmy Hart In Studio Interview
Funeral Parlor With Jake The Snake Roberts
Triangle Of Terror In Studio Interview
Natural Disasters vs. Stan Saxson and Doug Casen
Hulk Hogan/Ultimate Warrior Int, Ted DiBiase Int, Virgil Int
Ted DiBiase vs. Jason Anderson
The Mountie/Jimmy Hart In Studio Interview
Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. IRS
Skinner Promo
Tag Team Title Match: Hart Foundatrion vs. Nasty Boys
Undertaker vs. Brian Jewel
Big Boss Man In Studio Interview
8/5/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time 1:37 hr
Col. Mustafa vs. British Bulldog
Jake The Snake Roberts/Ultimate Warrior Interview/Segment- Jake Roberts is laying the Ultimate Warrior into a casket.
Nasty Boys/Jimmy Hart In Studio Interview
Bret Hart vs. Ed Moretti
Dino Bravo vs. Louie Spicolli
Hulk Hogan/Ultimate Warrior/Sid Justice Interview
Greg The Hammer Valentine In Studio Interview
IRS vs. Chi Chi Cruz
Greg The Hammer Valentine In Studio Interview
Sid Justice In Studio Interview
Typhoon vs. Jake The Snake Roberts
Ricky The Dragon Steamboat vs. Paul Roma
Bushwhackers Int
The Mountie vs. Steve May
Texas Tornado vs. Tim Peterson
Nasty Boys/Jimmy Hart In Studio Segment
8/12/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time 1:51 hr
In Studio Segment- The hosts as well as The Bushwhackers prepare the Studio for Randy Savage's Bacholar Party.
Superfly Jimmy Snuka vs. Brooklyn Brawler
Hulk Hogan/Ultimate Warrior Int
Rowdy Roddy Piper In Studio Segment- Piper helps them get ready.
Paul Roma vs. Tim Patterson
Macho Man Randy Savage In Studio Segment- Savage shows up to the studio
Greg The Hammer Valentine vs. The Black Knight
Macho Man Randy Savage In Studio Segment- The guys have a dancer come out to dance for Savage and even Mean Gene gets into it. The dancer ain't no Shakira but then again, that's too high of standards, now isn't it?
Barbarian vs. Jim Powers
Jake The Snake Roberts/Ultimate Warrior Interview- Interview done outsite at a cemetary with Ultimate Warrior digging up a grave.
Marty Jannetty vs. Kato
Macho Man Randy Savage In Studio Segment- Savage is picking out his clothes, followed by Rowdy Roddy Piper introducing a stipper popping out of a cake. When she actually does strip, she is off camera and you see all the guys yelling and cheering her on.
IRS vs. British Bulldog
Funeral Parlor With The Undertaker
Jake The Snake Roberts Int
Mr. Perfect vs. Mike Daniels
More In Studio Mayhem
Legion Of Doom vs. Dwayne Gill and Barry Hardy
8/19/91 PTW aka 1991 Summerslam Spectacular, (G/VG), Approx Time: 1:36 hr
Brian Knobbs vs. Hawk
Ultimate Warrior/Jake The Snake Roberts/Undertaker Segment- Wow, what a crazy segment. Jake Roberts leads the Warrior into a room full of snakes and you see Warrior kicking some of them away. Jake has Warrior open a small casket and the snake inside bites him. Creepy but cool.
Barbarian vs. Bret Hart
Sid Justice Int, Sgt. Slaughter Int
IRS vs. Mark Thomas
Ricky The Dragon Steamboat, Texas Tornado, and British Bulldog vs. Orient Express
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Hulk Hogan
Andre The Giant/Earthquake Highlights
Natural Disasters vs. Scrubs
The Barber Shop with Sensational Sherri
Virgil vs. Scrub
The Mountie Promo
9/9/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time 1:26 hr
Bobby Heenan Segment- Heenan walks into the studio, getting everybody to clean up and prepare for the debut of Ric Flair. He is carrying the World Heavyweight Championship Belt and it's not blurred out.
Ricky The Dragon Steamboat vs. Col. Mustafa
Undertaker/Paul Bearer In Studio Interview
Randy Savages/Elizabeth Wedding Reception Highlights- A snake is waiting for the newly married couple in one of their gifts.
Bushwhackers vs. Dwayne Gill and Barry Hardy
Hercules vs. Phil Apollo
Jim Neidhart vs. Brooklyn Brawler
Bobby Heenan- Heenan is still holding the belt and hyping Flair's debut.
Big Bully Busick vs. Jim Powers
Funeral Parlor with Bobby Heenan/Rowdy Roddy Piper
Ric Flair/Bobby Heenan In Studio Interview- Flair makes his WWF debut.
IRS vs. Texas Tornado
Superfly Jimmy Snuka vs. Tanaka
Legion Of Doom In Studio Interview
The Barbershop With Ted DiBiase/Sensational Sherri
Bobby Heenan Segment- Heenan leaves the World Heavyweight Title Belt on Flair's robe as a message to Hogan.
9/16/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time 1:38 hr
Skinner vs. Koko B Ware
Jake The Snake Roberts Int, Sid Justice Int
Bushwhackers vs. 2 Scrubs
The Rockers Int
The Berzerker vs. Scrub
Virgil vs. Scrub
Ted Dibiase/Sensational Sherri Int
Undertaker vs. Scrub
Rockers/Lord Alfred Hayes Int
Col Mustafa vs. Big Bossman
Sid Justice Int
Hercules vs. Greg The Hammer Valentine
Ric Flair Int
Hulk Hogan Interview
Orient Express vs. Dwayne Gill and Barry O
British Bulldog vs. Chris Duffy
9/23/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time 1:55 hr
Ricky The Dragon Steamboat vs. Tanaka
Nasty Boys vs. Phil Apollo and Bill Pierce
Macho Man Randy Savage Interview
Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. Brian Donahue
Tito Santana Int
Big Bossman In Studio Interview
IRS vs. Scrub
The Rockers vs. Dwayne Gill and Barry Hardy
Ted Dibiase vs. Superfly Jimmy Snuka
Lou Ferrigno In Studio Interview
Funeral Parlor with Ric Flair
Jake The Snake Roberts In Studio Interview
Sid Justice vs. Kato
Jake The Snake Roberts In Studio Interview
Bret Hart vs. Brooklyn Brawler
Natural Disasters vs. Joe Milano and Martin Roy
9/30/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time 1:30 hr (Missing first 10 minutes or so)
Hulk Hogan In Studio Interview
Hercules vs. Bret Hart
Virgil In Studio Interview
Ted DiBiase vs. Mark Thomas
Virgil In Studio Interview
Sgt. Slaughter Interview
Legion Of Doom vs. Mike Durham and Mike Williams
Hulk Hogan In Studio Interview- Hogan comes out hyping his new movie, Suburban Commando, dressed and playing the part.
Beverly Brothers vs. Joe Milano and Martin Roy
British Bulldog vs. Big Bully Busick
Ric Flair/Rowdy Roddy Piper Highlights
Skinner In Studio Interview
Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. Col. Mustafa
Skinner In Studio Interview
Jake The Snake Roberts vs. Tony Diamond
Hulk Hogan/Bobby Heenan Segment
10/7/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time 1:37 hr
Big Boss Man vs. Dwayne Gill
The Warlord/Slick In Studio Interview
Greg The Hammer Valentine vs. Col. Mustafa
Sgt. Slaughter Interview
Bushwhackers vs. Mike Durham and Mike Williams
Nasty Boys/Jimmy Hart In Studio Interview
Funeral Parlor With Sid Justice
IRS vs. Jim Powers
Ric Flair/Rowdy Roddy Piper Highlights
Rowdy Roddy Piper In Studio Interview
Virgil vs. Tanaka
Rowdy Roddy Piper In Studio Interview
Hercules vs. The Barbarian
Tito Santana Segment
Berzerker vs. Scott Taylor
10/14/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time 1:38 hr
Ricky The Dragon Steamboat vs. The Warlord
The Undertaker/Paul Bearer Int, Hulk Hogan Int
The Berzerker vs. Bill Pierce
Natural Disasters/Jimmy Hart In Studio Interview
Legion Of Doom vs. Brian Donahue and Mike Khoury
Natural Disasters/Jimmy Hart In Studio Interview
Beverly Brothers vs. Ross Greenberg and Phil Apollo
Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. Bob Bradley
Tito Santana Segment
Macho Man Randy Savage In Studio Interview
Undertaker vs. Greg The Hammer Valentine
Macho Man Randy Savage In Studio Interview
Skinner vs. Jim Neidhart
Barber Shop With Rowdy Roddy Piper
Nasty Boys vs. Kerry Davis and Bob Wisseman
Big Bully Busick/Harvey Whippleman In Studio Interview
Sgt. Slaughter Interview- Slaughter has been sucking up in these interviews to try to win over the fans.
British Bulldog vs. Brooklyn Brawler
10/21/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time 1:38 hr
Rockers vs. Scrubs
Ted DiBiase vs. Chris Hawn
Sgt. Slaughter Interview
Beverly Brothers/The Genius In Studio Interview
The Bushwhackers vs. Pete Weeks and Bruce Mitchell
Beverly Brothers/The Genius In Studio Interview
Col. Mustafa vs. Jose Vegas
Hulk Hogan Int, Undertaker/Paul Bearer Int
Ric Flair vs. Ron Cumberledge
IRS In Studio Interview
Big Boss Man vs. Hercules
IRS In Studio Interview
Sid Justice vs. El Diablo
Tito Santana Segment
Bret Hart In Studio Interview
Jim Neidhart vs. Big Bully Busick
IRS/Jamison Segment
Bret Hart In Studio Interview
Natural Disasters vs. Dwayne Gill, Jim Arnon, and Barry Hardy
Texas Tornado vs. Brian Costello
10/28/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time 1:49 hr
Ricky The Dragon Steamboat vs. Barry Hardy
Sid Justice/Undertaker/Jake Roberts Highlights
Skinner vs. Chris Hawn
Bobby Heenan/Jamison Segment- Heenan puts a pumpkin on Jamison's head as the Bushwhackers and Hacksaw Jim Duggan attempt to take it off the rest of the show.
The Bushwhackers In Studio Interview
Big Bully Busick vs. Brooklyn Brawler
Bushwhackers/Jamison Segment
Sid Justice/Legion Of Doom/Big Boss Man Interview
Bushwhackers/Jamison Segment
Tito Santana vs. Bob Bradley- Santana is also using the name El Matador now.
Hulk Hogan Int, Undertaker/Paul Bearer Int, Bret Hart/Rowdy Roddy Piper/Virgil Int
Ric Flair In Studio Interview
Rowdy Roddy Piper vs. Bob Smedley
Bushwhackers/Jamison/Hacksaw Jim Duggan Segment
Superfly Jimmy Snuka, Texas Tornado, and Greg The Hammer Valentine vs. Tanaka and The Beverly Brothers
Hacksaw Jim Duggan In Studio Interview
Undertaker vs. Dwayne Gill
Sgt. Slaughter Interview
Classy Freddie Blassie In Studio Interview
Legion Of Doom vs. Brian Costello/Peter Weeks
Bushwhackers/Jamison/Hacksaw Jim Duggan Segment
Jake The Snake Roberts vs. Ron Cumberledge
Bushwhackers/Jamison/Hacksaw Jim Duggan Segment
11/4/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time: 1:45 hr
Rockers vs. Natural Disasters
Big Boss Man vs. Bruce Mitchell
Tito Santana In Studio Interview/Segment
Tito Santana vs. Tanaka
Big Bully Busick vs. Brooklyn Brawler
Sgt. Slaughter Interview
Col. Mustafa/General Adnan In Studio Interview
Sid Justice vs. Col. Mustafa
The Mountie/Jimmy Hart In Studio Interview
Bret Hart vs. The Mountie
The Mountie/Jimmy Hart In Studio Interview
Barber Shop With Hulk Hogan
British Bulldog In Studio Interview
British Bulldog vs. The Warlord
Genichiro Tenryu In Studio Interview
Virgil vs. Barry Hardy
Berzerker vs. Bob Smedley
Tito Santana/British Bulldog Segment
11/11/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time 1:44 hr
Sid Justice Int
Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. Big Bully Busick
Berzerker vs. Eric Freedom
Bret Hart/The Mountie Highlights
Ric Flair vs. Jim Neidhart
Sgt. Slaughter Interview
Beverly Brothers vs. Mark Wilson and Dan Robbins
Repo Man vs. Rock Werner
Gary Strydom/Tito Santana Segment
Tag Team Title Match: Legion Of Doom vs. Nasty Boys
Texas Tornado vs. Undertaker
Funeral Parlor With Macho Man Randy Savage
IRS vs. British Bulldog
Rockers vs. Barry Horowitz and Mark Buenavara
11/18/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time 1:36 hr
Ted DiBiase and IRS. vs. The Bushwhackers
Virgil vs. Steve Dupree
Ric Flair/Beverly Brothers/Jim Neidhart Highlights
Tito Santana vs. Hercules
Repo Man Segment
Legion Of Doom vs. Barry Horowitz and Ben Jordan
Jack Tunney Interview
Rockers vs. Beverly Brothers
Funeral Parlor With Hulk Hogan/Ric Flair- The Undertaker comes out to team up with Flair to beat up the Hulkster.
IC Title Match: Skinner vs. Bret Hart
Texas Tornado vs. Big Bully Busick
Jake The Snake Roberts vs. Eric Freedom
Sgt. Slaughter Segment
11/24/91 PTW, 1991 Survivor Series Showdown, (G/VG), Approx Time: 1:36 hr
Earthquake vs. Big Boss Man
Undertake/Hulk Hogan/Randy Savage/Rowdy Roddy Piper Segment- Segment was from the last superstars show in the Funeral Parlor.
Bushwhacker Luke vs. Blake Beverly
Big Boss Man/Legion of Doom Interview
Jake the Snake Roberts/Randy Savage Highlights
Jake The Snake Roberts Int
Ted Dibiase vs. Virgil
Hacksaw Jim Duggan/Sgt. Slaughter Interview
Skinner vs. El Matador
Hulk Hogan Interview- Hogan claims that he doesn't fear the Undertaker.
Hercules vs. Rowdy Roddy Piper
Ted Dibiase/Ric Flair/Mr. Perfect Interview
12/2/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time 1:36 hr
Jack Tunney Interviews
Bushwhackers vs. Barry Horowitz and Brian Costello
Col. Mustafa vs. Al Phillips
Macho Man Randy Savage Int, Jake The Snake Roberts Int
Bret Hart vs. Chris Duffy
Ric Flair vs. Glen Ruth
Virgil vs. Ted DiBiase- From last week.
Warlord vs. Montana Miller
Big Boss Man vs. Von Krus
British Bulldog vs. The Mountie
Undertaker/Paul Bearer Int
Skinner vs. Dale Wolfe
Tito Santana vs. The Barbarian
Repo Man vs. Phil Apollo
Hulk Hogan Int
Natural Disasters vs. Mike Samples and Greg Green
12/9/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time: 1:36 hr
Jim Neidhart vs. The Mountie
Repo Man vs. Mark Boswell
Nasty Boys vs. Paul Perez and Mario Mancini
Sgt. Slaughter and Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. Dwayne Gill and Barry Hardy
IRS vs. Sonny Blaze
Warlord vs. Big Boss Man
Legion of Doom vs. The Executioners
Bret Hart vs. The Barbarian
Ted Dibiase vs. Greg The Hammer Valentine
Virgil vs. Von Krus
Jake The Snake Roberts vs. Chris Duffy
12/16/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time: 1:38 hr
El Matador Tito Santana vs. The Berzerker
Hulk Hogan Int
The Undertaker vs. Mark Thomas
New Foundation (Owen Hart and Jim Neidhart) vs. Kato and The Brooklyn Brawler
Freddie Blassie/Bret Hart Segment- Bret wins The Wrestler Of The Year award.
Beverly Brothers vs. Jim Arnon and Sonny Blaze
Macho Man Randy Savage vs. Jake The Snake Roberts- From the Tuesday In Texas PPV
Legion Of Doom vs. Bob Wisseman and Nick Tarantino
Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels
Ted DiBiase vs. Dale Wolfe
12/23/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time 1:38 hr
Big Boss Man vs. Kato
Rockers vs. Bob Wisseman and Paul Perez
Texas Tornado and Virgil vs. Ted DiBiase and The Repo Man- From Tuesday in Texas PPV.
Superfly Jimmy Snuka vs. Brian Donahue
The Mountie vs. Phil Apollo
The New Foundation vs. The Nasty Boys
Ric Flair vs. Dale Wolfe
Bushwhackers/Jamison Interview
Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. The Barbarian
Undertaker vs. Al Phillips
Skinner vs. Ross Greenberg
Greg The Hammer Valentine vs. Brooklyn Brawler
12/30/91 PTW, (G/VG), Approx Time 1:17 hr
Macho Man Randy Savage vs. The Barbarian
Tito Santana vs. Kato
Beverly Brothers and The Genius vs. Larry Ludden, Sonny Blaze, and Brian Donahue
Tag Team Title Match: The Rockers vs. Legion of Doom- The Rockers lose as Shawn and Marty have a little argument after the match. Shawn then pimp-slaps Marty but Marty doesn't retort.
søndag den 19. februar 2017
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