- - WCW/NWA Saturday Night - -
48 DVD set
1/2/88 Saturday Night in St. Louis, MO, (G/VG) Approx Time: 1:41 hr
Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin vs. Alan Martin and James Bradley
Lex Luger vs. Keith Steinborn
Dick Murdock vs. Jason Walker
Eddie Gildbert vs. Steve Atkinson
Kevin Sullivan Int
Midnight Express vs. Mike Jackson and Cody Starr
Larry Zbyszko vs. Lee Peek
Nikita Koloff vs. The Menace
Ric Flair/Tully Blanchard Interview
Ron Garvin vs. Arn Anderson
6 Man Tag Team Title Match: Road Warriors and Dusty Rhodes vs. Ivan Koloff, The Warlord, and The Barbarian
1/9/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 1:45 hr
Barry Windham and Sting vs. Alan Martin and Tommy Angel
Midnight Express vs. Lee Peek and Mac McGyver
Mikita Koloff vs. Jeff Crews
Mighty Wilbur Int
Barbarian vs. Steve Atkens
Ric Flair Int
Ron Simmons vs. David Isley
Dusty Rhodes Int
Larry Zbyszko vs. Cougar Jay
Lightning Express vs. Trent Knight and Bob Riddle
Dusty Rhodes Int, Midnight Express Int
Warlord vs. Larry Stevens
Lex Luger vs. Scrub
Dick Murdock vs. Rick Nelson
Road Warriors vs. Nate Bolin and Dale Laparose
Sheepherders vs. Mike Jackson and Italion Stallion
1/16/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 1:30 hr
Michaels Hayes and Gorgeous Jimmy vs. George South and Tony Suber
Nikita Koloff vs. Dick Murdoch
Warlord and Barbarian vs. Clement Fields and Kieth Steinborn
Ric Flair Interview
Ron Simmons vs. Cody Starr
Rock and Roll Express vs. Alan Martin and Steve Atkinson
Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard vs. Scrubs
Lex Luger Interview
Mike Rotunda vs. Larry Wayne
Four Horsemen Int
Dick Murdoch vs. Dave Spencer
Ivan Koloff vs. Mike Jackson
1/23/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 2 hr
Rock n Roll Express vs. Tommy Angel and COuger Ray
Sting vs. Gladiator
Warlord and Barbarian vs. Mark Fleming and Bob Riddle
JJ Dillon/Ric Flair Interview
Sheepherders vs. Larry Stephens and Trent Knight
Road Warriors Interview
Dick Murdoch and Midnight Express vs. Andrew Bellemy and Stan Crews
Warlord/Barbarian Interview
Arn Anderson vs. George South
Ron Garvin vs. Andrew Bellemy
Lex Luger Int
Barry Windham vs. Tully Blanchard
1/30/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 1:47 hr
Midnight Express vs. El Negro and Dave Laparouse
Kevin Sullivan Interview
TV Title Match: Mike Rotunda vs. Nikita Koloff
Larry Zbyszko vs. Alan Martin
Dusty Rhodes Interview
Jive Tones vs. Kendall Windham and Italian Stallion
Misty Blue Int
Ron Garvin and Gorgeous Jimmy vs. Charles Ryan and Tony Suber
Lex Luger Interview
Jim Cornette/Misty Blue Interview/Segment
Ric Flair Interview
Sting vs. Scrub- The Four Horsemen want a piece of Sting after the match.
Four Horsemen Interview
Ole Anderson Interview
Sting and Barry Windham vs. Mike Jackson and Gary Royal
Warlord and Barbarian vs. Ed Franks and Max McGyver
2/6/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 1:31 hr
Sting vs. David Isley
Ole Anderson Interview
Tim Horner vs. Gladiator 1
Road Warriors/Barbarian/Warlord Segment
Dick Murdoch vs. Bob Emory
Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard vs. Max McGyver and John Savage
Italian Stallion vs. Gene Legon
Ric Flair/JJ Dillon Interview
Barry Windham and Lex Luger vs. Tony Suber and Bob Riddle
Road Warriors Int
Mike Rotunda and Rick Steiner vs. Andrew Bellemy and Dave Spearman
Kevin Sullivan vs. Ryan Wagner
Ric Flair/Sting Interview/Brawl
Midnight Express vs. Mike Jackson and Alan Martin
2/13/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 1:31 hr
Arn Anderson vs. John Savage
Eddie Gilbert vs. David Isley
Hawk vs. Ryan Wagner and Ketih Steinborn
Barry Windham Int
Jive Tones vs. Gary Royal and Mike Jackson
Lex Luger vs. Alan Martin
Ric Flair Interview
Tommy Angel vs. Ricky Santana
Lighting Express vs. Curtis Thompson and Max McGyver
Mike Rotunda vs. Rocky King
Sting vs. Bob Riddle
Barbarian, Warlord, and Ivan Koloff vs. Steve Atkinson, Randy Hogan, and Gene Miller
Ron Garvin and Gorgeous Jimmy vs. Red Raider and Joe Cruze
Shane Douglas vs. George South
2/20/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 2:01 hr
Varsity Club vs. Max McGyver and Curtis Thompson
Shane Douglas vs. Thunderfoot 2
Highlights: Ric Flair vs. Sting
Ron Simmons vs. David Isley
Eddie Gilbert vs. George South
Dusty Rhodes Interview
Larry Zybszko vs. Trent Knight
Barbarian, Warlord, and Ivan Koloff vs. Mike Jackson, Steve Atkinson, and Red Raider
Ric Flair/JJ Dillon Int
Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard vs. Tony Suber and Larry Stevens
Barry Windham and Lex Luger vs. Barry Collie and Couger Jay
Four Horsemen Interview
Ricky Santana vs. Keith Steinborn
Jive Tones vs. Alan Martin and Bob Riddle
2/27/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 1:41 hr
Sting vs. John Savage
Shane Douglas and Ricky Santana vs. The Cruel Connection
Road Warrior Interview
Sheepherders vs. Lighting Express
Midnight Express vs. Cody Starr and Cory Thompson
Lex Luger and Barry Windham vs. Gene Ligon and Rick Orasi
Ron Garvin and Gorgeous Jimmy vs. David Isley and Paul Lee JJ Dillon/Ric Flair Interview
Barbarian, Warlord, and Ivan Koloff vs. Mike Jackson, Alan Martin, and Joe Cruze
Ron Simmons vs. Ryan Wagner
Dusty Rhodes Interview
Mike Rotunda and Rick Steiner vs. Gary Phelps and Trent Knight
Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard vs. Tony Suber and Barry Collie
Larry Zbyszko vs. Max McGyver
3/5/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 1:44 hr
Four Horsemen Int
Shane Douglas vs. gene Ligon
Ric Flair Interview
TV Title Match: Ricky Santana vs. Mike Rotunda
Dusty Rhodes Interview
Jim Cornette Interview
Barry Windham vs. Gary Phelps
Larry Zbyszko vs. Randy Hogan
Lex Luger Interview
Jive Tones vs. Ketih Steinborn and Ryan Wagner li>Kevin Sullivan and Rick Steiner vs. Alan Martin and Steve Atkinson
Road Warriors vs. Bob Riddle and Rick Orasi
Super Destroyer vs. Tony Suber
Powers of Pain Int
Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, and Tully Blanchard vs. Mike Jackson, Trent Knight, and Rocky King
3/12/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 1:36 hr
Lex Luger Interview
Ric Flair Interview
Road Warriors vs. Gary Phelps and Keith Steinborn
Jive Tones vs. Rocky King and Gene Ligon
Midnight Express vs. Curtis Thompson and Trent Knight
Ricky Santana vs. Bob Riddle
Jive Tones Int
Lex Luger vs. Dale Lapeyrouse
Powers of Pain vs. Randy Hogan and Rick Orasie
TV Title Match: Gorgeous Jimmy vs. Mike Rotunda
Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard vs. Steve Atkinson and Dave Spearman
Rick Steiner vs. Gary Royal
3/19/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 1:41 hr
Varsity Club vs. Ryan Wagner and Keith Steinborn
Highlights/Replay: Midnight Express vs. The Fantastics
Shane Douglas vs. Big Bear Collie
Sting vs. Joe Cruze
Midnight Express Int
Powers of Pain vs. Max McGyver and Bob Riddle
Ron Simmons vs. Trent Knight
Ric Flair Interview
Road Warriors vs. El Negro and Steve Atkinson
Lex Luger vs. Andrew Bellemy
Al Perez vs. Tony Suber
Midnight Express vs. Mike Jackson and Alan Martin
The Fantastics Interview
3/26/88 Saturday Night, (G) Approx Time: 2 hr
Sheepherders vs. Ryan Wagner and Tony Bowman
Lex Luger Int, Ric Flair Int
Al Perez vs. Alan Martin
The Fantastics vs. Steve Atkinson and Gene Ligon
Magnum TA/Tully Blanchard Int/Brawl
Varsity Club vs. Italian Stallion and Tommy Angel
Ron Simmons vs. David Diamond
Sting vs. Scrub
JJ Dillon Int, Jim Cornette Int
Midnight Express vs. Big Bear Collie and Kendall Windham
El Negro vs. Big Green Machine
Shane Douglas and Gorgeous Jimmy vs. Mike Jackson and Art Pritts
4/2/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 1:28 hr
The Fantastics vs. Alan Martin and Keith Steinborn
Sting vs. Scrub
Lex Luger/Barry Windham Interview
Ric Flair Interview
The Sheepherders vs, Rocky King and Larry Stephens
Arn Anderson vs. Art Pritts
Road Warriors Int
Ron Garvin and Gorgeous Jimmy vs. Ryan Wagner and Steve Atkinson
Al Perez vs. Mike Jackson
Tully Blankchard Int
Midnight Express vs. Tony Suber and Trent Knight
Varsity Club vs. Bob Riddle, George South, and Larry Davis
Powers of Pain Int
4/9/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 1:07 hr
The Fantastics vs. Art pritts and Big Bear Collie
Larry Zybszko and Al Perez vs. Tommy Angel and Ricky Santana
Steve Williams vs. Alan Martin
Nikita Koloff vs. Ryan Wagner
Lex Luger/Barry Windham Int
Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard vs. Kendall Windham and Mike Jackson
Sting vs. Destroyer
Ric Flair Int
Ron Garvin vs. Bob Emery
Midnight Express Int
Varsity Club vs. Scrubs
Powers of Pain and Dick Murdoch vs. Larry Davis, Italian Stallion, and Tony Suber
4/16/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 1:50 hr
Midnight Express vs. Trent Knight and George South
Dick Murdoch vs. Larry Stevens
Lex Luger vs. Art Pitts
JJ Dillon Int
Powers of Pain vs. Steve Atkinson and Bob Riddle
Varsity Club vs. Dark Starr and Dave Spearman
Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard vs. Tony Bowen and Ricky Paradise
Four Horsemen Int
Nikita Koloff vs. El Negro
Jimmy Garvin vs. Larry Davis
The Fantastics vs. Keith Steinborn and Alan Martin
Al Perez vs. Ryan Wagner- Stunning main event for the show right here...
4/23/88 Saturday Night, (G) Approx Time: 1:15 hr
Sting vs. David Isley
The Fantastics vs. Carey Stevens and Snake Watson
Steve Williams vs. Bob Riddle
Midnight Express vs. Tommy Angel and Rocky King
Ric Flair Int
Powers of Pain and Ivan Koloff vs. Max McGyver, Bob Emory, and Curtis Thompson
Jimmy Garvin Int
Al Perez vs. Larry Stephens
Nikita Koloff vs. Krusher Knault
Tag Team Title Match: Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson vs. Lex Luger and Barry Windham- Windham turns on Luger and costs himself and Luger the Tag Team Titles and flashes the four fingers.
Mike Rotounda vs. Sam Bass
4/30/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 1:26 hr
Al Perez vs. George South
Highlights/Replay: Lex Luger and Barry Windham vs. Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard
JJ Dillon/Barry Windham/Arn Anderson Interview
Ivan Koloff vs. Larry Davis
Lex Luger Interview
Sheepherders vs. Tommy Angel and Larry Stephens
Midnight Express vs. The Fantastics
Jimmy Garvin vs. Alan Martin
Varsity Club vs. Joe Cruze and Andrew Bellemy- The DVD stalls at the very end.
5/7/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 1:30 hr
Midnight Express vs. Jerry Price and Dark Starr
Sting vs. Bob Emery
Midnight Express/Jim Cornette Interview
Al Perez vs. Gary Royal
Powers of Pain vs. Curtis Thompson and Ric Paradise
Steve Williams vs. Ketih Steinborn
Kevin Sullivan vs. Robbie Aumen
JJ Dillon Int
Barry Windham vs. Larry Davis
The Fantastics vs. Joe Strickland and Tony Bowen
Ivan Koloff vs. David Isley
5/14/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 1:54 hr
Nikita Koloff Int
Fantastics vs. Ribbie Almon and Jerry Price
Steve Williams vs. Gary Phelps
Ron Garvin and Gorgeous Jimmy vs. Varsity Club
Al Perez vs. Russ Mosley
Dusty Rhodes Int
Sting vs. Larry Davis
Ricky Santana vs. Mike Jackson
Ric Flair Interview
Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson vs. Ryan Wagner and Steve Atkinson
Barry Windham vs. Keith Steinborn
Road Warriors vs. Powers of Pain
Dusty Rhodes vs. Tully Blanchard
5/21/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 1:03 hr
Arn Anderson vs. David Isley
Mike Rotunda vs. Trent Knight
Sting vs. Scrub
Barry Windham vs. Ryan Wagner
Al Perez vs. Keith Steinborn
Dusty Rhodes Int
Tully Blanchard vs. Dave Spearman
Lex Luger Int
Kevin Sullivan and Rick Steiner vs. Rick Paradise and Rick Allen
Ric Flair Int
Nikita Koloff vs. Bob Riddle
Larry Zbyszko vs. Dark Starr
5/28/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 42 min
The Fantastics vs. Joe Cruze and Larry Stevens
Dusty Rhodes Int
Sting, Steve Williams, and Nikita Koloff vs. Ryan Wagner, Gary Phelps, and Dave Spearman
Al Perez vs. Bob Riddle
Ric Flair Int, Nikita Koloff Int
Arn Anderson vs. Keith Steinborn
Ron Garvinb and Mighty Wilbur vs. Robbie Alman and Dan Grandy
Lex Luger Int
6/4/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 1:33 hr
Ron Garvin vs. Russ Tyler
The Fantastic vs. Dave Spearman and Keith Steinborn
Lex Luger Int
Mike Rotunda vs. Trent Knight
Barry Windham vs. Curtis Thompson
Dusty Rhodes Int
Steve Williams and Nikita Koloff vs. Bob Riddle and Bob Emory
Powers of Pain and Ivan Koloff vs. Tony Suber, Dave Starr, and Rick Paradise
Kevin Sullivan and Rick Steiner vs. Jerry Price and Dan Grandy
Jimmy Garvin vs. Bobby Rose
Fantastics/Midnight Express Int/Segment
Larry Zybszko and Al Perez vs. Gary Phelps and Dale Lapeyrouse
Sting vs. Tommy Royal
Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard vs. Robbie Auman and Ric Allen
6/11/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 1:18 hr
Sting vs. Ric Allen
JJ Dillon/Ric Flair Int
Barry Windham vs. Curtis Thompson
Steve Williams vs. Scrub
Tully Blanchard vs. Dave Spearman
Kevin Sullivan vs. Bob Riddle
Lex Luger Int
Arn Anderson vs. Tommy Angel
Midnight Express vs. Bob Emory and Ryan Wagner
The Fantastics vs. The Grappler and Joe Cruze
6/18/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 1:07 hr
The Fantastics vs. Agent Steel and Curtis Thompson
Kevin Sullivan Int
Nikita Koloff and Steve Williams vs. Max McGyver and Bob Riddle
Lex Luger Int
Road Warriors vs. Robbie Auman and JC Wilde
Al Perez vs. Dark Starr
Russian Assassin vs. Italian Stallion
Ron Garvin vs. Jarry Price
Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard vs. Don Grundy and Tommy Angel
Ric Flair Interview
Kevin Sullivan vs. Ryan Wagner
Sheepherders and Midnight Express vs. Brad Armstrong, Tim Horner, Mighty Wilbur, and Jimmy Garvin
6/25/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 1:03 hr
Sting vs. Jerry Price
Ivan Koloff and Russian Assassin vs. Keith Steinborn and Robbie Auman
Brad Armstrong, Tim Horner, and Kendall Windham vs. Crule Connection 1, 2, and Max McGiver
Dusty Rhodes Int
Scott Putski vs. David Isley
Nikita Koloff/Steve Williams Int
Road Warriors vs. JC Wilde and Tommy Royal
Nikita Koloff vs. Ryan Wagner
Kevin Sullivan Int
Sheepherders vs. Italian Stallion and Rick Allen
Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard vs. Joe Cruz and Tony Bowen
Ric Flair Int
Steve Williams vs. Scrub
Barry Windham vs. Scrub
JJ Dillon/Barry Windham Int
7/2/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 58 min
Ric Flair Int, Barry Windham Int
Ron Garvin vs. Larry Stephens
Arn Anderson/Tully Blanchard Int
Sting vs. Scrub
Al Perez vs. George South
Jimmy Garvin vs. Agent Steel
Mike Rotunda vs. Tony Suber
Lex Luger Int
The Fantastics vs. Mike Jackson and Curtis Thompson
Midnight Express/Jim Cornette Int
Rock and Roll Express vs. Joe Cruz and Bob Riddle
Ivan Koloff and Russian Assassin vs. Larry Davis and Keith Steinborn
Road Warriors Int
Steve Williams vs. Ryan Wagner
Sheepherders vs. JC Wilde and Danny Little- Match and show cuts off.
7/9/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 1:02 hr
Road Warriors Int
Brad Armstrong vs. Mike Jackson
Lex Luger Int
Rock and Roll Express vs. Gary Phelps and Tony Bowen
Sting vs. Larry Stephens
Midnight Express vs. Ryan Wagner and Danhy Little
Steve Williams vs. Joe Cruz
Ric Flair Interview
Varsity Club vs. George South and Rick Allen
Jimmy Garvin/Kevin Sullivan Int
Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson vs. JC Wilde and Tony Suber
JJ Dillon/Barry Windham Int
Sheepherders vs. Keith Steinborn and Tommy Royal
Gary Hart Int
7/16/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 58 min
Sting and Steve Williams vs. Green Hornet and Dale Laparouse
Ric Flair Interview
Brad Armstrong vs. Larry Stephens
Barry Windham/JJ Dillon/Gary Hart/Ron Garvin Interview
Dick Murdoch vs. Curtis Thompson
Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson vs. Trent Knight and Tommy Angel
Al Perez vs. Agent Steel
Lex Luger Int
Road Warriors vs. Rick Allen and Gary Phelps
Midnight Express vs. Dave Spearman and JC Wilde
Nikita Koloff Int
7/23/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 2 hr
Russian Assassin vs. Trent Knight
The Fantastics vs. Chris Champion and Tommy Royal
Ron Garvin vs. Tommy Angel
Al Perez vs. David Isley
Dusty Rhodes Int
Rock and Roll Express vs. Agent Steel vs. George South
Road Warriors vs. JC Wilde and Rick Allen
Mike Rotunda vs. Gary Phelps
Varsity Club Int
Tully Blanchard vs. Ryan Wagner
Barry Windham vs. Dale Lapeyrouse
Lex Luger vs. Keith Steinborn
Sting, Steve Williams, and Nikita Koloff vs. Green Hornet, Larry Stephens, and Cruel Connection 2
Ric Flair vs. Curtis Thompson
7/30/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 47 min
Ron Garvin and Barry Windham vs. Dale Lapeyrouse and Tommy Angel
Midnight Express vs. Scrubs
Ric Flair/Arn Anderson Int
Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard vs. Trent Knight and JC Wilde
Lex Luger Int
Sting vs. Rick Allen
The Fantastics vs. Larry Stephens and Mike Jackson
8/6/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 1:02 hr
Varsity Club vs. Bob Emory and Brad Holiday
Sheepherders vs. Tony Suber and Bret Holiday
Brad Armstrong vs. Joe Cruz
Kevin Sullivan vs. JC Wilde
Tommy Angel and Scrub vs. Mike Jackson and Curtis Thompson
Ric Flair Interview
Chris Champion vs. Don Valentine
Bobby Eaton vs. Gary Phelps
JJ Dillon/Jim Cornette Int
Al Perez vs. Rick Allen
Dusty Rhodes/Dick Murdock Segment
Rip Morgan vs. Bear Collie
8/13/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 39 min
Midnight Express Int
Ricky Morton vs. Lee Rampsey
Varsity Club and Kevin Sullivan vs. Gary Phelps, Rick Allen, and Don Valentine
Lex Luger Int
Brad Armstrong vs. Dave Spearman
Al Perez vs. Max McGiver
Barry Windham vs. Curtis Thompson
Four Horsemen Int
The Fantastics vs. Brad and Britt Holiday
8/20/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 1:41 hr
Al Perez vs. Jerry Price
The Fantastics vs. The Menace and Jim Boss
Lex Luger Int
Russian Assassin vs. Robbie Alman
Ricky Morton vs. Dave Spearman
Kendall Windham and Italian Stallion vs. Don Valentine and Keith Steinborn
Rick Steiner vs. Tony Suber
Ric Flair Int
Brad Armstrong vs. Max McGiver
Sheepherders Int
Midnight Express vs. Bear Collie and The Black Shadow
Mike Rotunda vs. Rick Allen
Nikita Koloff vs. Russ Tyler
Sheepherders vs. Brad and Britt Holiday
Four Horsemen Int
Barry Windham vs. Lee Ramsey
8/27/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 2 hr
Ricky Morton and Nikita Koloff vs. Max MGiver and Jerry Price
Russian Assassin vs. Bret Holiday
Jim Cornette/Stan Lane Int
Rick Steiner vs. Keith Steinborn
Al Perez vs. Gary Royal
JJ Dillon Int
Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard vs. Brad Holiday and Lee Ramsey
Brad Armstrong vs. Gary Phelps
Kevin Sullivan/Gary Hart Int, Dusty Rhodes Int
Sting vs. Cruel Connection
Lex Luger Int
Steve Williams vs. The Menace
Ric Flair Int
Jimmy Garvin vs. Agent Steel
Mike Rotunda vs. Eddie Sweat
9/3/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 1:01 hr
The Fantastics vs. Scrubs
Dusty Rhodes Int, Sting Int
Midnight Express vs. Gary Royal and Mike Jackson
Mike Rotunda/Jimmy Garvin/Kevin Sullivan Segment- The Varsity Club jump Jimmy Garvin.
Mike Rotunda vs. Scrub
Ric Flair Int
Barry Windham vs. Italian Stallion
Barry Windham Int
Ron Simmons vs. Joe Cruz
Ricky Morton and Steve Williams vs. The Menace and Jerry Price
Lex Luger Int
Ivan Koloff and Russian Assassin vs. JC Wilde and Terry Jones
Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard vs. Trent Knight and Tommy Angel
Al Perez vs. Rick Allen
9/10/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 1:22 hr
Sting vs. Tommy Angel
Lex Luger Int
Ron Simmons vs. Bob Riddle
The Fantastics vs. Lee Scott and Jerry Price
Kevin Sullivan Int, Dusty Rhodes Int
Russian Assassin vs. Keith Steinborn
JJ Dillon/Barry Windham Int
Ricky Morton and Brad Armstrong vs. Angel Steele and The Menace
Ric Flair Int
Mike Rotunda and Rick Steiner vs. David Isley and Larry Stephens
Steve Williams Int, Nikita Koloff Int
Larry Zybszko vs. Tony Suber
Gary Hart/Ron Simmons Int
Al Perez vs. Mike Justice
9/24/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 1:30 hr
Road Warriors vs. Menace 1 and 2
Barry Windham vs. Agent Steel
Sting vs. Jerry Price
Midnight Express vs. Curtis Thompson and Cruel Connection 1
Lex Luger Int
The Fantastics vs. Mike Jackson and Joe Griffin
Nikita Koloff vs. Eddie Sweat
Steve Williams and Brad Armstrong vs. Terry Jones and Keith Steinborn
Ric Flair Interview
Mike Rotunda, Rick Steiner, and Kevin Sullivan vs. Randy Mulkey, Bruce Hollis, and Gary Royal
Al Perez vs. Max McGiver
The Russian Assassins vs. Italian Stallion and Max Miles
10/1/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 1:20 hr
Sting Int
Ron Simmons vs. Eddie Sweat
Ivan Koloff vs. Scrub
Rick Steiner vs. Italian Stallion
Bam Bam Bigeolow vs. Trent Knight- Bam Bam makes his debut on SN.
Dusty Rhodes Int
The Fantastics vs. The Menace and The Nightmare
The Fantastics/Sheephers Int
Barry Windham vs. George South
Steve Williams vs. Joe Cruze
Lex Luger Int
Sting vs. Terry Jones
Midnight Express vs. Gary Royal and Jerry Price
Ric Flair Int
Dick Murdoch vs. JC Wilde
Al Perez and Larry Zbyszko vs. Mike Jackson and Keith Steinborn- The match and show is cut off during this.
10/8/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 1:50 hr
Road Warriors vs. Scrubs
Ron Simmons vs. The Menace
Dusty Rhodes/Ron Simmons Int
The Fantastics vs. Keith Steinborn and Jerry Price
Highlights: Sheepherders vs. Fantastics
Dick Murdoch vs. Cruel Connection 1
Ric Flair Int
Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Scrub
Russian Assassin vs. Brett Holiday
Lex Luger Int
Sheepherders vs. Mike Justice and JC Wilde
Rick Steiner vs. Curtis Thompson
Midnight Express vs. Mike Jackson and Agent Steel
Barry Windham vs. Gary Royal
Nikita Koloff vs. Blue Diamond
Larry Zbyszko vs. Eddie Sweat
10/15/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 1:26 hr
Larry Zbyszko and Al Perez vs. Mike Justice and David Isley
Bam Bam Bigelow vs. George South
Nikita Koloff vs. Russian Assassin 2
Ron Simmons vs. John Savage
Ric Flair Int
Eddie Gilbert vs. Trent Knight
Sheepherders vs. Curtis Thompson and Tommy Angel
Mike Rotunda and Rick Steiner vs. Gene Ligon and Joe Cruze
Kevin Sullivan vs. Scrub
Ron Simmons Int, JJ Dillon Int
Dick Murdoch vs. Agent Steel
Midnight Express vs. Gary Royal and George South
10/22/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 1:56 hr
Highlights: Sting and Road Warriors vs. Varsity Club
Dusty Rhodes Int
Ron Simmons vs. Scrub
Russian Assassins vs. Jerry Price and Rick Allen
Midnight Express vs. Mike Jackson and Terry Jones
Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Scrub
Ric Flair Int
Dick Murdoch vs. Larry Stephens
Ivan and Nikita Koloff vs. The Menaces
Larry Zbyszko vs. Tony Suber
Eddie Gilbert vs. Scrub
Lex Luger Int, Road Warriors Int, JJ Dillon Int
Mike Rotunda vs. Eddie Sweat
11/5/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG, disc gets a little glitchy from time to time) Approx Time: 1:37 hr
Ron Simmons vs. Rip Morgan
Highlights: Midnight Express vs. Road Warriors
Russian Assassins vs. Trent Jones and Brett Holiday
Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Trent Knight
Ric Flair
The Fantastics vs. Gary Royal and George South
Lex Luger vs. Agent Steel
Stan Lane vs. The Menace 2
Eddie Gilbert vs. Mike Jackson
Dusty Rhodes Int
Abdullah The Butcher vs. David Isley
Mike Rotunda vs. Bob Emory
Sheepherders vs. Scrubs
11/12/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 2 hr
Midnight Express vs. Jerry Price and Rick Allen
Barry Windham vs. Curtis Thompson
JJ Dillon Int
Dusty Rhodes/Bam Bam Bigelow Int
Mike Rotunda vs. David Isley
Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Bill Holiday
Sheepherders Int
Lex Luger vs. Trent Knight
Ric Flair vs. George South
Abdullah The Butcher vs. Randy Hogan
Jim Cornette/Midnight Express Int
Eddie Gilbert and Ron Simmons vs. Gary Royal and Brett Holiday
Road Warriors Int
The Fantastics vs. Terry Jones and Agent Steel
11/19/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 1:23 hr
Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Trent Knight
The Fantastics vs. Joe Cruz and Mike Jackson
Jim Cornette/Midnight Express Int
Eddie Gilbert vs. David Isley
Sting and Lex Luger vs. Scrubs
Ron Simmons vs. Trent Jones
Barry Windham Int
Varsity Club vs. Italian Stallion and Randy Hogan
Original Midnight Express vs. Phil and Brett Holiday
Russian Assassins vs. Mike Justice and Curtis Thompson
Road Warriors Int
Barry Windham vs. Jerry Price
Rick Steiner Int
Abdullah The Butcher vs. Eddie Sweat
11/26/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 1:24 hr
Eddie Gilbert and Ron Simmons vs. Bob Emery and Trent Knight
Nikita Koloff vs. Trent Jones
Lex Luger and Sting vs. Brian Adams and Jerry Price
The Commandos vs. Randy Mulkey and Eddie Sweat
Ric Flair Int, JJ Dillon/Barry Windham Int
Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Keith Steinborn
The Original Midnight Express vs. Brett and Brad Holiday
Mike Rotunda and Steve Williams vs. Mike Jackson and Rick Anderson- Rick Steiner has been replaced by Steve Williams in the Varsity Club.
Road Warriors/Dusty Rhodes Int/Brawl
Rick Steiner vs. Joe Cruz
Midnight Express vs. Rip Morgan and Max Miles
Road Warriors Int
The Fantastics vs. Cruel Connection
12/3/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 1:53 hr
Original Midnight Express vs. Scrubs
Sting vs. Joe Cruz
Dusty Rhodes Int
Midnight Express vs. Bob Emory and El Negro
The Commandos vs. JC Wilde and Keith Steinborn
Ric Flair vs. Jerry Price
Barry Windham vs. Tony Suber
Rick Steiner vs. Randy Hogan
Road Warriors Int
Varsity Club vs. Mr. Pain and Randy Mulkey
Lex Luger vs. Terry Jones
Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Max Miles
12/10/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 1:59 hr
The Fantastics vs. Terry Jones and Rick Allen
Russian Assassins vs. Eddie Sweat and Bill Holiday
Road Warriors vs. Chuck Casey and Reno Riggins
Dustin Rhodes and Kendall Windham vs. Mike Jackson and Cruel Connection 1- Goldust makes his debut.
Eddie Gilbert and Ron Simmons vs. Bear Collie and Mike Justice
Jim Cornette/Paul E Dangerously Int
Midnight Express vs. Curtis Thompson and El Negro
The Commandos vs. Randy Hogan and Keith Steinborn
Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Craig Brown
Lex Luger/Rick Steiner Int
Rick Steiner vs. JC Wilde
Barry Windham vs. Gary Royal
Ric Flair Int
The Original Midnight Express vs. Jerry Price and The Menace
Barry Windham/JJ Dillon Int
Mike Rotunda vs. Italian Stallion
Road Warriors Int
12/17/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 1:30 hr
Midnight Express vs. Mike Simani and Bob Emory
Russian Assassins vs. Italian Stallion and Terry Jones
Junkyard Dog vs. Trent Knight
Original Midnight Express vs. Jerry Price and Rick Allen
Barry Windham vs. Scrub
Dustin Rhodes and Kendall Windham vs. Curtis Thompson and Randy Mulkey
Lex Luger Int
Eddie Gilbert vs. Mike Jackson
The Commandos vs. Eddie Sweat and Randy Mulkey
Rick Steiner vs. George South
Mike Rotunda and Steve Williams vs. Gary Royal and Scrub
Ric Flair Int
Sting vs. Keith Steinborn
Road Warriors vs. Scrubs
12/24/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 1:25 hr
Misty Blue and Heide Lee Morgan vs. Kat Leroux and Linda Dallas
Sting vs. Bill Holiday
Russian Assassins vs. Tony Suber and Max Miles
Paul E Dangerously Int, Jim Cornette Int
Junkyard Dog, Rick Steiner, and Ivan Koloff vs. Keith Steinborn, Eddie Sweat, and Randy Hogan
Lex Luger Int
Kevin Sullivan and Steve Williams vs. Randy Mulkey and Ryan Wagner
Road Warriors Int
The Fantastics vs. Rick Allen and Jerry Price
Ric Flair Int
Midnight Express vs. Mike Jackson and Gary Royal
Dustin Rhodes vs. Trent Knight
Barry Windham vs. Eddie Gilbert
12/31/88 Saturday Night, (G/VG) Approx Time: 1 hr
Misty Blue, Heide Lee Morgan, and Zula vs. Kat LeRoux, Linda Dallas, and Mad Dog Debbie
Eddie Gilbert vs. Trent Knight
Junkyard Dog vs. Todd Collins
Eddie Gilbert Int
Curtis Thompson vs. Bob Emory
The Commandos vs. Max Miles and Max McGiver
Dustin Rhodes and Kendall Windham vs. Randy Hogan and Mike Justice
Original Midnight Express vs. Scrubs
The Fantastics vs. Randy Mulkey and Mike Jackson
søndag den 19. februar 2017
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